Creative Director | AD | Designer

Uber & EcoAdapt

Climate adaptation awareness

Uber needed to launch a new service, Uber Pool. EcoAdapt climate scientists needed to make an impact. My colleagues and I saw an opportunity: “UberHover.” We realized one day the roads we commute on in Seattle are going to be underwater due to rising sea levels. So to show commuters the reality of climate change and create buzz for Uber Pool, we gave out hovercraft rides. Yes, you read that right. Hovercrafts.

Partners: Uber, ecoadapt and wunderman seattle
contribution to project: ideation/ART DIRECTION/DESIGN/UX/EVENT MANAGEMENT/strategy

Case study video.

Image of campaign website

Campaign website.

Images of Uber hovercraft event

Uber Hovercraft event.

Promotional video for campaign.

Social posts and filters.

Image of postcards

Postcards designed from data projecting sea level rise in high risk areas.

Promotional video for campaign.